Intuitive website builder for
creating one-page microsites.

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Nuxt.js,, PostgreSQL

Tinysites showcase

Tinysites is on a mission to change the internet forever by calling on everyone to create a simple one-page website.

Posed with the question of how to provide our services to a larger audience, we created Tinysites and set out to make it as easy as possible for anyone to start a website.

The first task was creating a sales and pricing strategy to ensure the project would be economical. We decided on creating a free "basic" plan and an upgraded "Pro" plan.

This structure allows users to try out the site builder and upgrade after seeing the features and value offered.

The second objective was developing the brands identity and website that would effectively market our services. After lots of exploration, we settled on a bright green color palette and a geometric sans typeface called "Outfit".

Finally, the key element that sets Tinysites apart and that is revolutionary about our service, is the adoption of Handshake.

In short, Handshake is a decentralized root naming system that allows anyone the ability to own top-level domains. You can learn more about the benefits Handshake offers in our article about The Future of Domain Names.

Below are some Handshake domains we offer for registration of second-level domains to host your websites on.

Planned open beta launch in late August, 2024. Still actively being developed with a long roadmap of integrations and features to be added.