Claim Reserved Name

Thank you for your interest in the Handshake ecosystem. Handshake is a decentralized, permissionless, and blockchain-based naming system that allows users to truly own their online identity.

To help spread awareness of Handshake, Inspin Digital is gifting over 100 names reserved for companies, organizations, and individuals.

View all of the reserved names on p.arked/, our HNS parking service.

In order to claim a name, you will first need to have a account or a HNS wallet such as Bob Wallet.

Secondly, to help spread the word about Handshake, we ask that you make a social media post regarding Handshake and Inspin Digital.

Finally, fill out the form below or email and include the email address associated with your Namebase account or your HNS wallet address, and a link to your social media post.

Once your post is confirmed, we'll transfer the name to you. We hope you create an amazing experience with your new domain name and we appreciate your interest in Handshake.