Aug 1st, 2024




Website builder

Get Notified | No.001: Handshake gifting campaign and the story of creating Tinysites

Welcome to "Get Notified", an epic chronicle discussing various projects Inspin Digital is working on, community ongoings, and the decentralized web.

Get Notified, No. 001


We have been hard at work over the past 6 months developing some amazing software and ensuring our projects provide great value and a polished experience for users.

Below, we'll discuss one project we're especially excited about and a gifting campaign that's been in the works for over a year.

Handshake gifting campaign

Since learning about Handshake and the communities culture of gifting names, we wanted to help with attracting adoption.

So in the summer of 2023, we started a gifting campaign and acquired the names of 100+ companies, organizations, and individuals in different spaces, to gift away.

Finally, we're ready to start reaching out to the recipients.

The campaign will be executed by tagging a group of recipients each week on X (Twitter), to ask that they claim their name through our Claim Reserved Name form.

We're delighted to help the recipients secure their names and believe the campaign will result in more adoption and awareness of the Handshake naming system.

Registry for premium Handshake TLDs

Continuing with our devotion to Handshake, we decided to create a micro registery for our website builder, Tinysites.

With this addition, not only can you register sub-domains on, you can also register names on HNS top-level domains such as .nh, .central, .biography, and more.

One of our favorite domains offered is .helloworld, as you can test your tinysite on Handshake, before having to spend a dime.

Acquiring names was the most exciting part of creating a registry, along with choosing which names to support.

Why we created Tinysites

That brings us to our most exciting project, Tinysites.

Tinysites is a website builder that helps users easily create a one-page website for a stores, blogs, portfolios, or anything else you want to share online.

We created Tinysites so you wouldn't have to rely on companies such as wix, squarespace, or weebly for creating and hosting simple one-page sites.

Similarly to the gifting campaign, It was addionally created to grow adoption of Handshake by resolving difficulties faced when trying to host websites on Handshake domains.

Tinysites is the project we're most excited and passionate about as it's likely to have the largest impact on the internet.

Learn more about Tinysites on our product page and view the live product at or tinysites (HNS).

Looking towards the future

There is a lot work ahead to ensure our projects are successful and we're excited for the challenge. For now, were putting our heads down and getting to work.

Let us know your thoughts about our projects in the comment section and any suggestions you have.

We look forward to updating you on our progress in the next edition of "Get Notified".


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